Happy Friday to you all. I want to discuss something today that I know affects us all - patience. We would love more of it in our every day lives. But, did you know that the true meaning of patience is not the ability to wait, it's the ability to keep a "good attitude" while you wait. Been there done that. Waiting unfortunately is part of life. We as humans do not wait very well and we actually spend more time waiting than we do receiving what we want or ask for from God.
Say you ask God for something in prayer, you are believing His word and then you go through the waiting period, which sometimes can seem like eternity. When it finally arrives you are so happy and rejoice because we finally received what we were asking for. So the point in this is that if we made a conscious effort to enjoy the "waiting period", not just be happy when your prayer was answered, then we we can enjoy where we are, on our way to where God wants us to be.
It is difficult to wait patiently when we still have pride in our lives. See pride prevents us from waiting patiently because it says to us you are being inconvenienced and you are better than that, it shouldn't be happening to you. Satan uses our mind to lead us into impatient behavior and thinking that is idealistic rather than realistic. Satan is setting us up for a fall, through wrong thinking. So don't be negative about it, but be realistic enough to realize ahead of time that there are very few things in life that will ever be perfect.
Don't plan for failure, but remember in Jesus own words: "in this world there will be trials and tribulations and distress and frustrration. These things are part of life on earth, for the believer and the unbeliever. But all the mishaps in the world cannot harm us if we will remain in the love of God, displaying the fruits of the spirit at all times". Patience is a fruit of the spirit (Gal. 5:22), and is deposited into us as born again people. It's important to the Lord because He wants others to see His character through us, His children. So next time you are waiting in a long line at the grocery store, remember those words and show others the patience of Christ in you.....start a conversation with the person next to you, maybe you can also share the love of Jesus, you never know!! Blessings
Ok, it's craft pattern time. Today I want to share an easy to do crochet pattern that is available at my Etsy shop for only $3.50 as a downloadable pdf file. So when you pay for the pattern via paypal you will instantly gain access to download it. So you can begin the project right away - very cool. I made this for my grandsons a few years ago for Christmas. It's a patriotic throw, easy using only double crochet and those awesome red, white and blue colors with fringe at the ends. I didn't care for the red color in the red heart yarns, so I used a darker more rustic red color, as you can see in the photo. You will be able to crochet this one in no time at all. I hope you enjoy it and until next time keep sharing God's love with all those around you. There are so many people out there that really need a hug, a smile or to hear that God loves them!
Say you ask God for something in prayer, you are believing His word and then you go through the waiting period, which sometimes can seem like eternity. When it finally arrives you are so happy and rejoice because we finally received what we were asking for. So the point in this is that if we made a conscious effort to enjoy the "waiting period", not just be happy when your prayer was answered, then we we can enjoy where we are, on our way to where God wants us to be.
It is difficult to wait patiently when we still have pride in our lives. See pride prevents us from waiting patiently because it says to us you are being inconvenienced and you are better than that, it shouldn't be happening to you. Satan uses our mind to lead us into impatient behavior and thinking that is idealistic rather than realistic. Satan is setting us up for a fall, through wrong thinking. So don't be negative about it, but be realistic enough to realize ahead of time that there are very few things in life that will ever be perfect.
Don't plan for failure, but remember in Jesus own words: "in this world there will be trials and tribulations and distress and frustrration. These things are part of life on earth, for the believer and the unbeliever. But all the mishaps in the world cannot harm us if we will remain in the love of God, displaying the fruits of the spirit at all times". Patience is a fruit of the spirit (Gal. 5:22), and is deposited into us as born again people. It's important to the Lord because He wants others to see His character through us, His children. So next time you are waiting in a long line at the grocery store, remember those words and show others the patience of Christ in you.....start a conversation with the person next to you, maybe you can also share the love of Jesus, you never know!! Blessings
Ok, it's craft pattern time. Today I want to share an easy to do crochet pattern that is available at my Etsy shop for only $3.50 as a downloadable pdf file. So when you pay for the pattern via paypal you will instantly gain access to download it. So you can begin the project right away - very cool. I made this for my grandsons a few years ago for Christmas. It's a patriotic throw, easy using only double crochet and those awesome red, white and blue colors with fringe at the ends. I didn't care for the red color in the red heart yarns, so I used a darker more rustic red color, as you can see in the photo. You will be able to crochet this one in no time at all. I hope you enjoy it and until next time keep sharing God's love with all those around you. There are so many people out there that really need a hug, a smile or to hear that God loves them!

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