Our Savior

Our Savior
The beauty of nature is medicine to the soul

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Introducing my newest acrylic painting!

Guess what, art lovers? I'm thrilled to unveil my latest creation: "Golden Dawn at Deception Pass"! Imagine crossing a stunning iron bridge at dawn, where the sky melts from golden hues into a dreamy blue — all while lush greenery frames the scene. 🙌 This 7x13 acrylic on canvas piece really captures that perfect harmony between nature and human ingenuity. I had so much fun playing with the vibrant acrylic colors to bring out the bridge's structural details and the serene surroundings. 🌅 Inspired by the breathtaking beauty of Deception Pass Bridge that connects Whidbey and Fidalgo Islands, this artwork is a love letter to one of my favorite places. Dive into this tranquil moment and let it transport you to a place of peace and natural splendor! Please do check out my Pixels website where you can order prints on canvas, metal, wood or anything else that strikes your fancy. Blessings to you!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Getting past Covid and closer to Jesus

It has been a long time since I have shared my life with you, it's been a long time coming and I am so excited to be writing again. Life has been very hectic the last few years but I would like to share a few of the highlights. I've experienced a few birthdays, cried a few tears and have been on some very fun trips with my friend Sharon. But the most exciting thing I have to share with you is the fact that during Christmas I contacted Covid. Exciting you say, getting Covid during Christmas? What is wrong with this person. I know it does sound a bit ridiculous I admit. But hear me out. It was a time when I experienced Jesus in ways I never did before. In December, 2023 I did contact Covid, mind you I had every vaccine and booster that was required of me. Still I contacted it, I don't get it. Anyway, I belong to a group in our church called the "Joy" group. It's a bunch of women that get together and just share life, prayers, and praises that sort of thing every Thursday afternoon. We even take field trips to different places during the summer warmer months. Right now we are helping the Childrens minister do some craft projects for the upcoming Vocational Bible School in July. So, before Christmas we had a potluck and we all gathered and shared a meal together. After this very fun and enjoyable event nine of us contacted Covid. Oh what a sad time it was. Not getting to see my family during this very special holiday. I was devastated, but tried to keep my chin up. I personally have never been this sick in my life. The fever was aweful and lack of appetite, smell, taste you name it I had it. I was down for about three weeks. My other symptoms were cough cold and as mentioned a fever. I never get a fever so it really wore me out. I could take the sickness, I just had the hardest time not seeing my family, my son and his wife and grandchildren. That was the saddest time for me. So during this time alone, I really wasn't. I spent more time with Jesus every morning. I read, prayed and just felt his love and comfort during the whole time. I experienced His peace like never before. I had more time to read and found a book on how to get closer to God, that was really enlightening. So during my bad situation I was experiencing, I also experienced God's amazing love and comfort. He turned the bad into good. I am so grateful for this, I now feel His presence surrounding me especially during the tough days. He lifts and encourages me to keep on keepin' on. 2023 ended with sickness, but 2024 began with God's glory. Jesus gets all the Praise because through this sickness Jesus healed me in so many ways. I now feel more loved, annointed, blessed, redeemed because I am the daughter of the King of King and Lord of Lords. Every day I wake up knowing no matter what comes my way, Jesus will be with me. His Holy Spirit will guide me and everything is going to be alright. I had to share my Christmas story with you in hopes that if you are not sure about Jesus or our Heavenly Father, you will BELIEVE! He is real, and he loves you so much enough to give His son Jesus for you. So if you will give your life to him and BELIEVE in Him and repent of your sins, you will be saved and have eternal life. That my friend is the good news. I hope it will spread like wildfire! God Bless you and keep you in God's amazing grace everyday! Blessings - Mary